10 Free Sites to Master Frontend Development


frontend developmentHello readers, welcome back to Knowlab. In today’s article, we are going to discuss 10 free websites to master frontend development.

1. Scrimba

Scrimba is a fun and fast way of learning to code! Their platform is a highly effective resource for learning frontend development. Learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React are all available on the free tier.

Link: https://scrimba.com/

2. FreeCodeCamp

Over 9,000+ tutorials and tons of challenges to complete along the way to test what you’ve learned. Anything and everything web development. Whatever skills or technology you’re looking to build, there’s sure to be a tutorial.

Link: https://www.freecodecamp.org/

3. JavaScript 30

Created by wesbos, this 30 day Vanilla JS Coding Challenge will see you build 30 projects in 30 days. By the end of it, your JavaScript skills will be amazing.

Link: https://javascript30.com/

4. W3Schools

Arguably the largest web development site on the internet. 3 billion pages displayed each year. 60 million visitors each month. Their library for learning HTML, CSS, & JavaScript is simple, comprehensive, and effective.

Link: https://www.w3schools.com/

5. JavaScript Info

From the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations This is a great resource for mastering JavaScript.

Link: https://javascript.info/

6. Frontend Mentor

Solve real-world HTML, CSS, & JS challenges whilst working to professional designs. Build projects, review code & help each other grow. FEM provide the style guide, static assets & everything else needed to focus on building.

Link: https://www.frontendmentor.io/

7. MDN Docs

MDN Docs provides in-depth explanations of web development principles. They also provide exceptional documentation of web technologies.

Link: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/

8. Official Docs

Official Docs of whatever technology you’re learning This is a primary method of how professional software developers learn. This is where you ultimately want to be. It takes time though until you can effectively learn from documentation as there’s less hand-holding.

9. YouTube

Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned dev, these are some of the top channels for Frontend Development. Traversy Media, FreeCodeCamp, Programming With Mosh, Web Dev Simplified, The Net Ninja, Developed By Ed, plus many more.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/

10. Odin Project

A free full stack curriculum supported by a passionate open source community. Odin Project is absolutely amazing. They combine teaching concepts & project implementation very well. I wish I’d known about OP when I was learning.

Link: https://www.theodinproject.com/


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