50th EARTH DAY: Species that Mastered Self Isolation


EARTH DAYAs we celebrate the 50th Earth Day under self-isolation let us learn from species that have mastered social distancing.

Marine Turtles

Marine turtles are terrific navigators who prefers to interact with only one other turtle for short periods of mating and nesting.

After emerging from their nest, the hatching begins a long solo journey in the ocean, surviving which they remain alone for many years.

Blue Whales

The largest animal on the planet, blue whales only occasionally swim in small groups and more often alone or in pairs.

Their way of communicating shows their independence, as they call out mates from many miles away using loud low-pitched moans and whines.

Snow Leopards

Snow leopards are solitary and stealthy predators who are usually only seen together during mating season or when a mother is looking after her cubs.

Polar Bears

Polar bears are Earth’s biggest land-based carnivores, spending most of their days around water and ice and not much else.

Apart from actively seeking a mate in the late spring and early summer, adult polar bears are solitary.


Usually land-based hunters, jaguars prefer to hunt alone and can be found climbing trees to attack their prey from above.

Unlike most other big cats, they don’t avoid water, sometimes hunting alone for fish in rivers or pools.


Known for their distinctive red fur and intelligence, orangutans are semi-solitary in the wild and spend most of their time hanging out in trees.

Giant Pandas

Generally solitary and peaceful animal, giant pandas are skillfully tree climbers and can spend up to 14 hours a day feeding.

They have a highly developed sense of smell that males can use to avoid each other and to find potential mates.


With its shy nature, the native Australian platypus spends its days eating crustaceans and plants at the bottom of water bodies, or resting in its burrow, happily leading a solo life.

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