7 Killer Tools You’re Probably Not Using That Could Save You $1,000+


Killer Tools

Starting a business, a startup, a side hustle or a YouTube channel needs a lot more. Sometimes, you have to create several presentations, make videos, design the websites, email the clients, and literally a lot with some killer tools.

Follow any profession (somewhat related to online), you have to work a lot and most often you have to subscribe to some services that are obviously paid.

What if I told you that I will save you more than $1000 by sharing with you the killer tools that you can use?

Yes, I called them deadly because these killer tools can literally kill the websites that charge you several dollars to use their services.

Let’s start.

1. Project Gutenberg, Z-Lib, Good Books

The majority of us enjoy reading books. And although buying a single book in a month isn’t a huge issue, what if you bought multiple books and didn’t like some of them after reading only one page?

To be honest, I read a lot of books in my spare time, and when I don’t like a book, I just put it down.

For that, I have to spend a lot of money because of all of this. And this is where I use all of these websites where I can get the book for free.

Why not when you can read the book for free?

There are various websites for this, such as:

  • Project Gutenberg: It has 60,000+ free eBooks.
  • Z-Lib: It contains a large number of free eBooks, which I primarily use to download my favorite books.
  • Good Books: It is a website that features a list of books recommended by successful people such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and others.

2. Quillbot

I am not a native English speaker, yet I must deal with a number of clients, contact them, and publish on Medium.

With several years of experience, I agree that I am relatively capable of speaking and writing in English. However, it is extremely unpleasant for novices.

Even now, I’m not sure why there are silent words and stuff like Know, Knee, Knock 🙂 In addition, the English language was extensively updated with new words.

To be well-versed in English, you must include it in your everyday routine.

Also, you can use also use Quillbot.

Simply type anything you wish, and the Quillbot website will turn it into a better version of English.

3. Temp Mail, Fake Mail, or Guerrilla Mail

I frequently seek inspiration from many websites, accordingly, I must be familiar with their features and styles. In addition, I’d want to subscribe to various websites to take benefit.

To understand new technologies, I, too, must create an account.

And I have to sign in with my email address for all of these. I had already created a dummy email address for this reason. But soon after, I discovered some extremely great tools for creating throwaway temporary email accounts.

Some of them are:

4. Mixkit, Pexels

You may be aware that some people make money by selling their photographs, or videos online. There are various websites available for this purpose, such as Shutterstock.

And, certainly, creators or YouTubers do use these platforms to make their content.

But what if I told you there are some free tools that can provide you with video clips, images, sound effects, video templates, and much more?

Sounds fantastic, right?

So the websites that you might utilize for your purpose are Mixkit and Pexels. You may also use Canva.

5. iLovePDF, iLoveIMG, TinyWow

As a student or working professional, you may occasionally need to convert a pdf, or an image, compress it or resize it.

As a web developer, I often have to download images and modify the format or scale them in order to make UI designs.

And for that, I employ one of the following options:

  • iLovePDF: To convert your pdfs, merge or split or even edit them.
  • iLoveIMG: To convert your images, merge or split or even edit them.
  • TinyWow

You can literally do a lot more with all of these tools. Simply use them to witness the miracle.

6. Canva

Whatever your profession, you will need to build designs or projects, perform photo editing, or even design graphics.

You may wish to make resumes, posters, presentations, videos, book covers, or even a book.

Canva can be of assistance in this regard.

7. Otter.ai

Remember how we used to take notes in school?

Similarly, while you are working online or attending a meeting, you just use Otter.ai.

It will take meeting notes automatically.

Author: Nitin Sharma

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