7 Powerful Ways To Change Your Life


LifeHere are some powerful ways to change the course of your life.

Note to Self: Stop Expecting

When disappointment comes, keep believing. Nobody ever got better overnight.

Don’t let the chaos consume your MIND. What consumes your mind controls your life.

Don’t BURY your dreams!

Seek Greatness in Small Things

Start now, and start small. Little things are BIG. Don’t overlook small actions. Small actions “compound” and increase your sense of control in life.

Make a promise to Yourself: Do small things in a great way.

Focus on What Matters

Goals may give you focus. But dreams give you POWER

Never lose focus of your dream even if nobody seems to care!

Your growth is your HOPE in your heart. Keep your energy focused.

Learn to ignore Things

Ignore all that disturbs your heart. Stress is a self-destructive DRUG. Whatever is causing you to stress right now has no right to exist tomorrow.

Your inner peace is your greatest asset. TRUST yourself! You’ve survived a lot, and you’ll manage.

Master Your Emotions

Before going to sleep, “forgive” everyone. Anger blurs your vision. Don’t get MAD. You’ll be defeated. Don’t get lost in people. Time is weird.

Focus on what you can CONTROL. Your future is as bright as your happiness.

The best is yet to come!

Take care of your Thoughts

Pain is inevitable. You’ve to pass through that. You’ve to adapt and move on.

But, most of the pains we suffer are from the thoughts we nurture.

Never leave your thoughts uncontrolled. Have faith and keep pushing through.

A quick formula

  • Once a week: strategize (what 20% activities will move the needle)
  • Daily: consistent action (“you become what you repeatedly do”)
  • When challenges come: reframe attitude (every problem is an opportunity to grow)

5 Things to do for a peaceful life

  1. Let yourself find peace with the apology that won’t come. You have the power to heal yourself.
  2. Learn the difference between intuition guiding you and a past trauma misleading you.
  3. Appreciate where you are in your journey, even if it is not where you want to be.
  4. Whatever triggers you, reveals the places you need to heal. Sit with the feeling, you’ll find answers.
  5. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life. If they come in your life, let them. If they want to leave, let them.

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