A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence – AI Timeline


Everyone seems to be talking about Artificial Intelligence these days. It is good to remember that AI is not something new. Here is the brief timeline of Artificial Intelligence history.

Post World War 2, a variety of fields began to discuss the possibility of creating an artificial brain.


Alan Turing published a landmark paper “Computer Machinery and Intelligence.”, proposes “Imitation Game”, known as the famous “Turing Test”. His Turing test set an early and still relevant bar to see if artificial intelligence measures up to human intelligence. The test is simple, if you can have a conversation with an AI and not noticed that you’re talking to an algorithm well then it’s passed.

And in the same year, Isaac Asimov proposed three laws of the Robotics.


Marvin Minsky and Dean Edmunds built the first artificial neural network using 3000 vacuum tubes simulating 40 neurons.


Arthur Samuel (IBM) wrote the first AI machine learning program (Game AI) for checkers.


Computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term Artificial Intelligence and in the same year the first self-learning game playing programme was created.

Here’s how John McCarthy defined AI.

“It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”

John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky made “Artificial Intelligence” as an academic discipline.

Also Read: A Layman’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Frank Rosenblatt develops the perceptron, an early artificial neural network enabling pattern recognition based on a two-layer computer learning network.


MIT’s AI Lab has been set up.


The first Robot is introduced into GM’s assembly line.


The world saw the first demo of an AI programme which understands natural language.


The first chatbot ELIZA (an early natural language program) was invented by Joseph Weizenbaum.


Arthur Byson & Yu-Chi Ho introduced Backpropagation, multi-stage optimization. Mervin Minsky and Seymour Papert introduced Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry


The first autonomous vehicle is created at the STANFORD AI LAB


Carnegie Mellon creates the first autonomous vehicle using a neural network.

Yen LeCun (AT&T Bell Labs) applied the backpropagation algorithm to create Convolutional Neuro Network (CNN), a multilayer neural network.


Vernor Vinge published “The Coming Technological Singularity”, coining the term “Singularity.”

AI technology has boomed in recent years. Now people build a better and more sophisticated algorithm some of the biggest leaps forward have come from gaming.


IBM’s Deep Blue beats World Champion Garry Kasparov at chess.

In the same year, Rollo Carpenter developed a chatbot Jabberwacky to simulate natural human chat.


Sony introduces AIBO, a series of robotic pets.

In the same year, MIT AI LAB’s first emotional AI is demonstrated.


DARPA introduces the first autonomous vehicle challenge.


Google started building self-driving cars.


Narrative Science’s AI demonstrates the ability to write reports.


IBM Watson beats Jeopardy champions.

In the same year SIRI, GOOGLE NOW, CORTANA become mainstream.


Google’s Jeff Dean and Andrew Ng trained neural network of 16,000 computer processors that detected cats using algorithms.


Google’s driverless car passes Nevada’s self-driving test.

Amazon released Echo. “ALEXA”, a voice assistant.


Elon Musk and others announced 1 Billion Dollar donation to open AI.


Google’s Deep Mind defeats Korean Alpha Go Champion Lee Sedol. Alpha Go watched hundreds of games to derive its own strategy and guidelines.

In the same year, Stanford issued AI 100 Report and UC Berkeley launches Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence.


Computers have learned to identify pictures of skin cancer, which they can now do at better rates than doctors. This is an example of Augmented intelligence. 

Google I/O showed Google Duplex, a voice assistant using natural conversation technologies.


In some ways commercialization era of AI has just begun and it would profoundly affect our world as we know it.

In 2019 we found

  1. Emergence of AI-based chips
  2. Convergence of Blockchain with AI, and IoT (Internet Of Things) with AI.
  3. Implementation of AI and Machine Learning concepts in eCommerce.
  4. Also Read: Important Artificial Intelligence Terms for Every AI Enthusiast


Team of scientists led by neurosurgeon Edward Chang of University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can converts someone’s brain thoughts into text.

Their study was published in Nature Neuroscience.

As you can see AI is not new, but the advances we are making are progressing at an exponential phase, leveraging our ever faster computing power, the explosion of digital data and the speed of communication infrastructure.

Also enrol for Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and its Techniques – A Complete Guide certification course.

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