How to Start Your Day Productively


Productivity Tips

Here are the tips to start your day productively and get the productive life that you need for a successful life and career.

You wake up every morning with a feeling.
A feeling that this career isn’t really for you

You somehow fell into it one day
And it is not for you anymore

So, what do you do now?
Where do you start?


You can’t avoid these anymore!

What do I really want?
How much time will it take me?
Can I manage the pressure of change?
Are my finances in order?
What’s a good first step I can take?
Who can help me?


Start reading, watching, asking .. however you find info.
Research your next career path.
Drink it all up. Absorb it.


Write down every single idea you have.
Compose a plan. Nothing fancy, something simple.

Where to go, how to apply, who to talk to, when to get it done.
Write it all down.


There comes a time when you simply have to go for it.
Planning time is up. You have enough ideas.
Discard your fears. Thinking time’s up.
It’s time to start doing!


Your first attempt will most likely fail.
Get up. Shrug it off. Learn from it.
And try again.

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”- Jack Canfield

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