Secret to Your Career Success Begins at Home


In a world that is constantly switched on, it may be beneficial to take a slow start to your day for ultimate career success.

Starting the day at ease helps spark creative thinking, according to the World Institute of Slowness Founder Geir Berthelsen.

“Slow is not an apologia for laziness or slowness, it’s a question of reason, playfulness and balance,” WIS website explains. “It’s about time, mastery, game strategy, strategy implementation, organisation and responsibility and a good life.”

The concept looks at reassessing how we think about time to create a slower and happier world.

Here are 5 ways you can set yourself up for success by taking it slow

  1. Start slow:

    Instead of grabbing your phone the minute you wake, stay away from your devices for a while and drink your morning coffee or tea in peace, or maybe meditate to reduce stress.

  2. Don’t hit snooze:

    Snoozing disrupts quality sleep. Research has shown that snoozing confuses your brain during the waking process and the natural sleep cycle. Instead, set your alarm for when you need to wake up. If needed, put it across the room so you have to walk over to it.

  3. Make a healthy breakfast the night before:

    To simply save time in the morning, make your breakfast the evening before. It can be stressful thinking of what to eat if you’re crunched for time, and this makes one less thing to worry about before work. A healthy breakfast will increase your focus, give you energy and curb hunger during your day.

  4. Stay hydrated:

    Have you heard of The Miracle Morning? Author Hal Elrod outlines six best practices to create a morning ritual that he says will transform your life. One of them is to drink a glass of water when you wake up. After sleep, your body is dehydrated. Think of it as a shower for your organs!

  5. Be prepared:

    Getting a head start will help limit decision-making in the morning and make you feel prepared before you go to work. Choose your outfit, pack your lunch, do the grooming all the night before.