Time Travel is not Science Fiction, it’s Scientific Fact


Gravitational Time Dilation

The closer you are to a gravitating mass the slower time moves. For example, if you had two clocks, one close to a gravitating mass (the near clock) and one clock far away (the far clock), the near clock ticks slower than the far clock. This is has been proven on Earth; by placing identical atomic clocks at different altitudes (distances from Earth’s gravitational pull) we have demonstrated that over time these clocks will show a variance in times — as the far clock will show a time noticeably ahead of the the near clock.

Velocity Time Dilation

While surviving a close encounter with a Black Hole and witnessing the future of the rest of the Universe whiz before your ‘nonaging’ eyes isn’t even close to a practical means to travel through time; this brings us to the other existent force that can warp the property of time: Velocity — in a more plausible manner with regard to time travel. Objects traveling at high speeds also experience a slowing of the passage of time. This is again, can be demonstrated near Earth, with atomic clocks, and the International Space Station, which orbits our planet at the incredibly high speed of 17,000-miles per-hour. Identical clocks move at a slightly slower rate on the ISS than they do down on Earth because of Relative Velocity Time Dilation.

Author: Mike Hogan. Amateur Writer, Astronomer, Philosopher, Intellectual and Critical Thinker.