13 Tips For Organizing B2B Webinars


B2B Webinars

Competent organization of B2B webinars is at least half, if not a large part, of the success of the entire upcoming event.

Among the key organizational moments, first of all, there are logistic processes, setting the agenda, the composition of speakers, time management, working on the quality of content, rehearsing the event itself, and working out individual moments of the upcoming event.

We will talk about the correct approach to solving all of the above tasks in today’s article.

1. Work through all the logistics processes in advance. 

Believe me, they are as important as the content of your webinar itself. Moreover, when planning, you will have to take into account many different factors.

Think about how well the time of the event was chosen for the speaker and the main pool of participants, how quickly it will be possible to eliminate the current technical faults, interact with the event moderator, and representatives of third-party services involved in the webinar.

2. Develop an agenda in advance and decide on the number of speakers. 

After you have analyzed the future topic of discussion, think about if you would like to invite other speakers for a joint discussion. Perhaps the arrival of interesting, well-known and popular speakers will make your presentation more interesting, increase the number of participants and increase their loyalty to the company.

3. Control your webinar time. 

It is advisable that the event lasts no more than an hour. This is the maximum time during which you will be able to maintain a high degree of attention from the listeners from start to finish.

4. Work on the quality of your content. 

Once you’ve decided on your topic, start collecting your marketing material for your audience. But don’t just heap up all the old presentation promotional materials and slides. Instead, it is much more correct, efficient, and more expedient to spend time creating original, thoughtful content that will attract the maximum number audience, increase its loyalty and improve the quality of feedback from listeners during and after the event.

A good webinar is a combination of visual, video, and audio content. While working on the preparation of the event, think about how you can best use the available statistics, graphs, elements of demonstrating the features of products online, slides, in order to get the maximum impact on the audience and return from it.

Don’t neglect the opportunity to work with your audience while preparing your webinar. This will kill two birds with one stone. Activate the attention of potential listeners by discussing a number of issues with them, significantly improving the content of the content for the webinar not after, as work on errors, but before the event.

5. Rehearse your webinar. 

This advice sounds like preparing for a performance in some theater, but in fact, starting an online broadcast without a few preliminary rehearsals is very, very risky.

A well-organized webinar is fun and easy. But before that, you need to understand the hosting provider, understand the features of the webinar service, test the connection with invited speakers, try how individual slides, sections of the presentation, and various types of content are loaded.

As a rule, at this stage, it turns out that part of the webinar requires some technical improvement. It is the elimination of all minor technical problems at the preliminary stage that will help you get maximum influence, feedback, and gratitude from the audience on the day of the event.

6. Pay attention to detail. 

Despite the relatively simple process of scheduling webinars, you will still be thinking about how best to host the event so that it becomes truly unique, interesting, and different from other previous online meetings.

So don’t put off until tomorrow what you can improve today. Moreover, your goal is useful and noble — to increase the turnout of your target audience.

7. How to use webinars in the B2B segment correctly. 

Once the decision to launch one or more webinars has been made, it is very important to develop a marketing strategy that will get the best bang for your buck. When designing your webinar, use proven tactics that can maximize your impact, reach and reach your target audience.

8. Become an expert company and strengthen the leadership position in your segment. 

By creating webinars on hot topics in your industry, it’s easy enough to draw additional attention to your company and product. There can be as many such webinars as you see fit.

During the discussion of hot topics, you will have the opportunity to position yourself and your product in terms of expertise. If you regularly remind yourself, you will quickly become one of the influencers in your segment.

9. Demonstrate the benefits of your product with a webinar. 

Why keep telling you how awesome your product is when you can just pick it up and show it? Unlike other marketing tools, using a webinar is very easy to create a dynamic presentation that fully reveals all the main and additional benefits of your product, service, or information product.

10. Influence what happens with marketing. 

Few people talk about this, but webinars continue to influence the product, audience, and market situation for a fairly long period of time after their completion.

At the same time, the webinar can be recorded for further use at any convenient time. This will help the business to interact with a range of customers and partners in the future, without having to prepare a customized content format for each case.

11. Be sure to advertise in every possible way to promote the future webinar.

A substantial proportion of participants in the event are registered for it on the day of the event. Therefore, it is very important to start your marketing campaign as early as possible and continue until you announce that the webinar has already begun.

Promote the event on social media pages, send an e-mail message, write an article about the upcoming event in the blog. In each of these cases, it makes sense to put space for the registration form and provide prospective listeners with as much useful contact information as possible.

12. Make the most of the opportunities available. 

Take and analyze the contacts you collected during registration. Follow these people as much as possible, try to maintain some kind of connection with them as potential participants in your events.

Moreover, preliminary contact with potential webinar participants often solves a number of problems that arise from their side. For example, some participants may register for an event, but not get the technical ability to connect to a binary room, hear a sound or see an image, and you will only be able to find out about this through personal individual contact. Even if it is online.

13. Turn your webinar recording into easily accessible content. 

In the future, this will help you use existing records as one of your marketing tools to engage potential customers in an already working sales funnel. It is the reuse of webinars that will help you achieve maximum results with the minimum cost of promoting your product.

On the one hand, organizing an online webinar seems like a much easier task than preparing for a full, live meeting. But in practice, it often turns out that there is an order of magnitude more current, albeit smaller, tasks. Therefore, it is in the interests of every company that undertakes to organize a webinar for commercial or other purposes as soon as possible to begin testing, checking, and preparing in all possible directions.

Only in this case, the event launched on the set day and hour will meet the expectations of people on both sides of the main monitor.

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