5 Wonderful Work Life Balance Tips. Number 4 is Absolutely Stunning


work life balanceDoes your family often complain that your work gets more attention than them? Are you always checking your work emails on holidays? These are signs that your work life balance has gone haywire!

But, what happens if you have a poor work and life balance? It takes a toll not only on your mental but on your physical health too.

We have listed the best tips on how you can effectively balance your work and personal life. Read on to know how you can incorporate them in your routine to live a more fulfilling life.

How to balance work and life?

 1. Don’t try to be a perfectionist all the time

Are you always looking for perfection in everything you do? It may not be a good idea to do that! Many people develop the desire to be perfect in everything they do right from a young age. This is not a problem when they are in school as the scope to be perfect is limited to studies, hobbies and sports.

But life gets more complicated as you grow up. As your work life and family life grows, your responsibilities also increase. Trying to be perfect at everything during this stage of life can be difficult and destructive for your health because you may not be able to keep up.

A good alternative is to aim for excellence instead of perfection – it’s less demanding on your wellbeing.

2. Don’t neglect your health

Do you prioritize work over health? This can cause you to develop chronic illnesses in the long run. You should always keep the focus on your physical, mental and emotional health and not push beyond a certain limit as it could have a negative impact on your mental and physical well being.

For example – if you are struggling with mental health problems, don’t ditch your therapy sessions just because you have work. If you have chronic problems like arthritis and COPD, then take sick leaves if you need them. Overworking can prevent you from getting better and you may have to take more leaves from work later on if you don’t deal with it right now.

 3. Unplug from your devices

Are you always typing work-related texts and emails on your phone? You need to stop. With the rise in digital communication, your workday does not end when you step out of the office as you are expected to be constantly accessible on your phone or laptop.

Work notifications can interrupt your free time and make you stressed. This is why you need to ensure that you lay off your phone when you are outside the office. This way you will have more focused, uninterrupted time for family and hobbies.

4. Exercise & meditate

No time for exercise? Make exercising your priority, take some time out! If you don’t then you are not letting go of one of the best methods to de-stress. When you exercise, the body releases endorphins that instantly improve your mood.

Similarly, meditating benefits your nervous system. It keeps you calm and centered – tools that you can use to combat work-related stress.

Our suggestion is that you catch up on a 30-minute jog after work. After the jog, sit down comfortably in a silent place with eyes closed and focus on your breath for 15 minutes. This workout meditation combo will keep you happy and stress-free on a daily basis.

5. Ask for help when you need it

Don’t be that person who thinks he can do everything all by himself! The truth is no one can. If you think you have taken more responsibility at work than you can manage then talk to your supervisor. At home, you can ask a family member to take on a few of your chores.

This way you get some more time for yourself for an activity or a hobby that you love.

Don’t let work stress get the better of you! Implement these tips in your life and ensure that your work and personal life are in perfect sync with each other.

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