8 Productivity Tips For Daily Life


Productivity Tips

Here is the collection of 8 productivity tips for daily life from experts for your productive life and growth.

1— Don’t watch news on TV. Read Newspaper. 10 to 15 minutes of reading, and you will know everything that’s necessary without the melodrama. News on TV has become toxic. You don’t need that.

2— Don’t check your phone immediately after waking up. Breathe, stretch, meditate, and have tea. Prepare yourself for the day. Take it slow.

3— Stop all App notifications on your phone. Most of them are unnecessary. While working, put it in silent mode. Prioritise who deserves your attention.

4— Track the time you spend scrolling on Social Media. Calculate how much time you are spending daily, monthly and in a year just scrolling. Evaluate if it’s worth your time. Become aware of where you spend time on the internet.

5— Observe if people you talk to regularly support, inspire and motivate you. Stop talking to people who don’t support or understand you. Distance yourself from toxic people, toxic environments.

6— Take short breaks, short vacations, and spend time with friends and family. You deserve it.

7— Sleep. Give yourself enough time to recover, rejuvenate, and recharge. Sometimes a good night sleep can solve a lot of problems.

8— Start your day with “Goal for the day” & end your day with “Gratitude for the day”

Hope these productivity tips are helpful for your daily life growth.

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