8 Top Ranking Microblogging Websites New Bloggers Must Know


Microblogging sites

Microblogging websites are the platforms bloggers use to publish information or promote their blog posts. This method of exchanging information is called Microblogging. For instance, Twitter is the best microblogging website. It also focuses on connecting with groups of bloggers, and authors, sending messages and writing posts.

Pros and Cons of Microblogging

Today many people use microblogging websites to get views and increase traffic to their blogs. These websites also have pros and cons, like other websites.


  1. Blogging requires more time to research and explore the topics, whereas sharing information on microblogging websites is less time-consuming.
  2. Microblogging websites allow people to share their opinions on social media trends.
  3. Artists, writers, bloggers, celebrities, politicians, and local people use microblogging sites nowadays.
  4. Microblogging websites allow posting short posts or texts up to 150 characters.
  5. These websites also allow sharing of direct links to your blog.
  6. Microblogging websites can generate large traffic for your blog.


  1. Because microblogging websites allow only short text, which has a bad effect on SEO rating.
  2. Bloggers can only write posts of 140 characters, and it is a challenging task.
  3. Some microblogging websites provide limited themes and templates.

Microblogging Websites

I have made a list of 9 microblogging websites popular in 2022.

1. Twitter

Twitter is the number 1 famous microblogging website. Nowadays many writers, bloggers, journalists, celebrities, and politicians use this website to share their views. Bloggers and writers use this website to connect with people, write posts, and share their posts. The writers also promote each other after they like the work of some writers.

2. Tumblr

Tumblr is another free microblogging website. There are no charges to use this website. Users can post videos, images, links, articles, and much more. Plus, this website also allows posting direct URLs of blog posts which can generate a good audience.

3. Pinterest

Pinterest is another cool microblogging website. This website is very popular all over the world. It also has a mobile app as well. Users post texts along with images, videos, and GIFs. Bloggers can get new ideas according to their interests and also share text with images.

4. Scoop.it

Scoop is the best microblogging and social bookmarking website. It is a content marketing company in San Francisco, California. The company curates content services and promotes its content marketing software to other businesses.

5. Flatter

Flatter is a Swedish donation microblogging website where subscribers donate monthly to their favorite artists and content creators. It also has an open free browser extension. Flatter also supports various websites like YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, WordPress, SoundCloud, and 500px.

6. Reddit

Reddit is a popular microblogging website for getting more views and generating traffic. It is an American social news website for topics discussion and web content rating. Registered members can share content like images, videos, and links in return they get votes from the members.

7. Yammer

Yammer is a great microblogging website for social and private professionals where they can promote their services or products. It is also a social enterprise used for private communication with organizations and also for networking with other organizations.

8. Apsense

Apsense is the most famous microblogging website all over the world. Users use it to connect and share images, articles and videos. Bloggers can use it to promote their blogs. It is also very beneficial for businessmen, online marketers, and affiliate marketers.

Final Thoughts

Microblogging has become very popular nowadays. It is a great way to exchange information in the short text and promote your blog, which can help to generate a great audience. Microblogging websites have many advantages, but it is also important to consider the pitfalls as well. Choose the microblogging sites carefully.

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