A Guide to Resin For Printers

Elegoo’s best-selling resin for printers comes in various colors and styles. While it does not provide as much detail as 8K prints, this non-brittle resin allows users to print without visible layer lines.

Resin is also forgiving if your settings go awry, making it an excellent option for beginners or hobbyists. Continue reading to gain more insights into this incredible material. And check Elegoo for quality resin for 3D printers. 

High-Quality Prints

Resin 3D printing is widely renowned for its superior surface quality, producing models with virtually invisible layer lines and fine part details that look almost transparent. Resin printers capture finer part details than their filament-printing counterparts can, printing at higher resolution with greater accuracy due to precise control of light sources which draw upon each layer, leading to accurate prints with minimum shrinkage or warping.

Though resin 3D printers require more maintenance and care than FDM models, the results often make up for it. Cleaning and maintaining the machine, selecting suitable resins (some with specific storage requirements), and providing appropriate lighting conditions during builds is all part of the experience. In contrast to FDM printing which often needs post-processing to address warping and shrinkage issues, resin printing often produces finished products ready for use directly after printing.

Quality in printing depends on various factors, including the printer type used, build plate layout, material used and curing process. A stereolithography printer (SLA) employs ultraviolet lasers to trace each layer of liquid resin that hardens in its pattern on an ultraviolet laser print bed layer by layer, creating objects with extremely smooth surfaces without much stair-stepping but requires longer production times than alternative techniques.

Digital light projection technology (DLS), like Carbon’s, functions similarly to SLA resin printers but at much faster rates. DLS utilizes oxygen-permeable optics and digital projection technology to flash cross-sectional images of the print directly onto resin, curing entire layers at once without the need for stair-stepping or step printing. While DLS printers require more space than SLA and UV light protection protection measures.

Though the quality of a printed object depends on many variables, most resin printers provide an adequate level of print resolution and finish. Resin printers do not suffer from temperature limitations associated with filament models, enabling high melting point resins that can be sterilized and used for lost wax casting to be utilized without issue. They can also use photopolymer resins of various kinds from standard to tough and flexible to castable options for casting purposes.

Wide Range of Materials

Resin printers use various materials to produce high-resolution prints with varied mechanical properties. Resins used by resin printers begin as liquid and form solid when exposed to light; photopolymers come in an assortment of colors with differing durability and elasticity characteristics.

Resin 3D printing stands apart from filament-based 3D printing in that its curing process does not leave visible layer lines that create a clean finish and high resolution, ideal for prototyping and model creation with an eye for detail. Furthermore, resin prints’ durable print surface means that parts created using resin printing can withstand more handling and rough conditions than those printed using filament.

Add dyes or pigments to the printing solution in order to customize the hue or give your part an eye-catching glowing effect when placed in a dark room. It can even be combined with luminophore solvents in order to produce castable resin that can then be used to create molds for castings.

SLA resin, typically used for prints that will be handled frequently, comes in various forms to suit different applications. One such rubber-like resin mimicking real rubber’s softness can make wearable prototyping, multi-material assemblies, handles and grips easier than ever.

Another type of resin used to craft decorative parts and accessories is paintable resin, which allows users to customize colors. More transparent than standard SLA resins, paintable resin can be customized into any shade or hue desired for creating figurines with detailed facial features.

As well as resins, there are also flexible and elastic TPU’s designed for 3D printing on resin-based 3D printers. These flexible materials can be used for prototyping purposes as they can withstand stretching and compression stresses without cracking under strain; however they lack the same tensile strength of traditional TPU’s meant for FDM or laser-sinter processing machines.

Easy Post-Processing

Resin 3D printing provides many advantages, yet requires additional post-processing steps for high-quality prints. Applying proper washing, curing, support removal and finishing techniques can transform your resin print from an ordinary functional prototype into an attractive finished product with improved mechanical properties.

Washing your green resin print is essential to ensuring it dries correctly, avoiding issues like stickiness or shrinkage after printing. In most cases, you will need to immerse it for several minutes in a cleaner for this step to remove all uncured resin from its surface – this time-consuming but worthwhile step will give your resin print an elegant and high-quality finish!

There are various methods available for washing resin prints, but one of the most efficient approaches is an ultrasonic cleaning machine. This device utilizes a specialized solution that quickly and effectively cleanses green resin prints quickly and efficiently – this method being especially advantageous if cleaning large SLA prints requires considerable time and effort. Furthermore, ultrasonic cleaning systems also offer an efficient means for removing supports attached to green resin prints.

No matter the method you employ for cleaning prints, it is vitally important to follow the recommended wash guidelines of both your printer and resin. Formlabs suggests using isopropyl alcohol (IPA), however if this cannot be found nearby then tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether (TPM) may provide an equally safe and tested alternative solution.

Once your green resin prints have been washed and dried, it is crucial to allow them to air-dry completely before curing them. This step ensures they have fully set, eliminating any potential cracks or holes from forming within the final resin product, and further helping you get the most from printed resin parts by improving their appearance with clear coat or paint applications.


Resin 3D printing can be both an enjoyable hobby and business endeavor if precautions are taken properly, though it should be remembered that resins are chemically hazardous materials which could pose a safety risk if mishandled improperly; especially if someone is allergic to its fumes or gets it in their eye.

Studies of resin printer emissions have confirmed that VOC levels fall well within safety guidelines, offering relief that most people exposed to this chemicals do not develop health issues from prolonged exposure, although some do experience minor irritation such as itchy eyes or skin irritation.

To reduce exposure, it is highly advised that any printing workspace have an exhaust system with ducting installed to take any harmful fumes outside. While this method is costly, it has proven the most effective in combatting resin pollution. As an alternative, printer enclosures equipped with powerful extractor fans that take air from outside before siphoning off VOCs could also work effectively.

When handling resin, it is wise to wear protective nitrile gloves that will shield the skin from potential irritation and eye protection – both are vital in order to avoid potential eye damage from resin splashes, and make it easier to wash away if any does enter their eyes.

Every liquid resin for 3D printing comes with its own safety data sheet that outlines their ingredients (to some extent) and toxicological profiles. Reading these documents carefully is highly advised as they will give instructions on how to handle and use the resin safely without incurring unnecessary risks.

Printing requires a dedicated space, at least while printing is in process, because otherwise resin will drip onto surfaces and be unsafe to touch with bare hands. Any tools used will likely become coated in resin as well, so they should be kept separately from non-resin items. Furthermore, an air quality monitor that measures VOCs would be wise.


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