Best Educational Apps Ideas That Startups Should Check Out in 2021


Educational Apps

The world is still gripped by the global pandemic and this phase has disrupted the way industries and businesses operating in the post-COVID world. Right from hospitality to food to education to entertainment, every industry is opting for Digital Transformation and is trying to reach their customers online as they cannot reach stores safely offline. Educational Apps is the best solution for current scenario.

One of the most hit industries is the Education Industry as the old normal way requires students and teachers to gather in a mass under one roof. Resuming the conventional education methods while maintaining social distancing is a challenging task and thus institutes are trying to integrate online studies into their curriculum.

Apart from online studies, almost every aspect of studies and education can be digitized and for those enterprises and individuals who wish to make their fortune from the education domain, this is the best time for them to establish a strong virtual presence with a comprehensive or a niche Education solution.

But when we talk about the Education domain, many aspects can be digitized and it is all about identifying the correct pain point and exploring the right opportunities. To ensure that your education solution is a success, it is essential that it is technically proficient and that it is relevant to the users.

To help you make an informed decision, we have gathered some trending Education ideas that Startups and enterprises can target and there are two major categories that they can tap. The first is where your Target Audience is an Education Institute that needs an education solution to digitize their operations and the second category contains open market solutions that are created for the end-users. We have created a list of trending ideas for both the categories below:

Trending Education App Ideas that Start-ups can Checkout in 2021:

Educational Institute

1. Admission Automation App:

Right from application for a certain course to payment process integration to eligibility criteria check to document submission, almost every aspect of the admission process can be digitized and you can create a personalized or customized solution targeting the education institutes. These solutions not only help with the current situation but also exponentially lower the administrative cost along with the proximity of human errors.

2. Parent-School Communication App:
With students studying online, parents are not only involved in the process but also expected to help their kids. Especially with students that are in secondary school or lower, the involvement of parents is essential and thus, schools and other educational institutes can use such solutions that help them create an effective and transparent communication channel with the parents.

3. Attendance App:
With school staff, teachers, and students being secluded in their homes, attendance and other administrative tasks have become troublesome for schools. Thus, if you can create an attendance and administrative task app that helps teachers in taking attendance and also in effectively managing the data, you can serve a lot of schools and institutes that do not wish to create personalized apps for such small tasks.

4. Homework Assignment/Reminder App:

One of the biggest challenges for teachers is the tasks that are concerned about homework assignments. Right from timely submission to clean copies and effective assignments, everything can be digitized and offered to educational institutes as an education mobile app solution.

5. Students To-do list App:

Apart from assignments and classes, schools are also trying hard to keep their culture revived, and thus, they require students to undertake many different tasks. While the mentioned to-do list app can target both educational institutes as well as the open market, creating an app that facilitates customized solutions for the educational institutes can have better monetization opportunities.

6. Students Progress Tracking App:

This is one of those solutions that not only help with the current situation but can also go beyond it and serve as a long-term solution for institutes. Parents wish to get timely updates regarding their child’s progress and with this app solution, you can empower educational institutes to do that effectively.

7. Exam App:

With students studying from home, one of the toughest tasks is taking supervised exams! Create a solution where students can not only be easily monitored, but the app can also help with pre and post-exam preparations and checking and you can create a quick and huge customer base in no time.

open market

  1. Private Tutor App:

There are many different types of educational streams that people are opting for right now. Right from conventional courses to specialized executive programs to competitive exam preparations, these models have many celebrated teachers and there also is a huge demand for private tutors that enterprises can tap.

2. E-learning App:

One of the most adopted education solutions is the E-learning apps that started right with Adobe based web presentations. But with the evolution of the concept and the technology, institutes can now create e-learning applications that anyone can access from their handheld devices.

3. Immersive Learning App:

Apart from the animation, what has made e-learning applications a huge success is the integration of technologies like Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in education. With applications build with the empowerment of immersive technologies, you can offer the best immersive learning experience to your target audience.

4. Niche Targeting App (for targeted users):

There are many different types of people or customer base that you could tap into! For instance, lately, there has come a lot of mobile app in the market that can help kids that are handicapped, apps for autistic kids, an app for especially able children and other such target audience.

5. Education App with Gamification Model:

For those toddlers and pre-primary students that learn the best when there is some incentive, there have been a lot of educational games, puzzles, quizzes, and interactive learning applications with the gamification model.

Parting Words:

Numerous studies show that this pandemic has changed consumer behavior and that people would rely on technology even after the pandemic is over. Since digitalization is the future of the industry, now is the best time to create a solution to establish a strong market size. All you need is a unique concept and a reliable technology partner to help you realize your concept into a feasible Education App solution.