Everything You Need To Know About Twitter Branding


twitterAll the business may come across marketing game plans for enhancing or boosting your brand optimizely. Social media is one of the best too to discover your business to gain visitors and people’s sight for your brand.

Twitter will be a perfect choice to show off your brand and related info freely. Plenty of marketers and business owners have made their presence on Twitter to promote their brand or product effectively. Twitter holds 330 million active users monthly with 145 million daily active users.

In this article, you will see branding on Twitter and specific tips and tricks to promote your brand.

Twitter Branding

Branding is nothing but making your audience remember your brand’s image, value, and personality forever as unforgettable stuff. Creating a brand identity will lead to getting people’s trust, connection with your brand. Moreover, it will build professionalism.

It is one of the marketing strategies to make your brand’s name and logo to the top of people’s minds and stand out from the crowd.

When you market your brands on Twitter, it will be a great reach, and your brand will get enough exposure in front of millions of audience.

Brands hold unique places on Twitter; you can create multiple channels to express your brands to your target audience, customers.

Spend Time In Choosing Your Username

The most important stuff for Twitter branding is by picking the right name for your brand. Give your full name that is your business or personal name, at the time of registration.

If you find that your entered name is already taken, you have to choose an alternate name for that. Make sure your brand name must be catchy, short, and memorable.

Pick Out Suitable Profile Picture That Resembles Your Brand

When you spot top brands and businesses, you can see their brand logo or brand image as their profile picture or cover photo. It is the best way to advertise your brand name or logo through your profile picture or cover photo.

Try to keep your brand-related pictures or logo as your profile picture, which helps to increase brand trust, and it indirectly influences your brand.

Keep Track Of SWOT Analysis

You may what SWOT analysis is its abbreviation of strength, weakness, opportunity, and threads. Before you commence your marketing on branding, you must know your business’s positives and negatives. For this, you can make use of SWOT analysis. With the help of research, you can gather some sorts of details and info about your business. Through you can plan your branding in a better way. After that, you will be clear about your objectives and goals; more importantly, you know in which area you should concentrate more.

Show Off Your Brand Voice And Its Personality

Expressing your brand’s voice and personality is an effective way to build a unique identity and image. Brand voice is to show your brand benefits and values in exciting and catchy words in an innovative style. It helps to give more exposure to your brand; in return, you will  attain numerous Twitter comments for your brand related content. Be conscious about your tweets; it must be related to your brand or business.

Connect With Your Followers

 If your goal is to build a brand reputation and make your audience connect or engage with your brand, then interact with your audience. Try to initiate a conversation with your followers; be fast to reply to their queries. People may ask many doubts, opinions about your brand, your answer should satisfy them. You can ask for any suggestions and feedback from your audience; it makes them recognize their thoughts. Create a healthy relationship with your audience.

Take Part In Twitter Chats

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You can make use of Twitter chats to maximize your business productivity. By taking part in Twitter chats, you can speak more about your brands, business in front of a massive audience. You can drag them to your Twitter account and connect with many audiences.

On the other hand, you can start your Twitter chat, which gains more popularity for your brands. When your tweet is more famous, you have many chances to get featured in your tweet post in a blogger article. It provides more exposure to your brand and your account.

Be Super Active

Consistency is the crucial point for success; maintain your maximum presence on Twitter. Publish regularly, ensure all your tweets are related to your brand. Simultaneously, don’t publish direct promotional tweets often, which may irritate or annoy your audience. Avoid following the same style of content and spark a different variety of content.

Use Hashtags Wisley

Hashtags are now unavoidable stuff on social media, especially on Twitter. Hashtags play a significant part in differentiating the content depending on the topics and keywords. When you use hashtags in your content, you can gain lots of benefits like quickly identifying your brand, achieving more visibility and awareness about your brand. While adding hashtags to your tweet, make sure you are adding one or two numbers. Moreover, do hashtags research to find perfect hashtags for your tweets. Check its popularity, usage among your audience.

It is best to come up with creating hashtags, especially for your brands. You can choose your brand name as your hashtags. It’s entirely worth it, or you can build hashtags that connect with your brands. Using the proper hashtags for your content is very important to receive a higher engagement rate.

Add More Images And Videos

Did you know? Tweets with images and videos receive more engagement and attention rate. So try to add relevant photos and videos in your tweets. Your visuals must be impressive with good quality. You can get help with editing tools to create attractive videos. Video content is quite trending on all social media; currently, people prefer more video content. You can promote your brand via appealing with funny video content.

Run Giveaways & Contest

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To make your brand famous and get familiar with your audience, do giveaways, which will be a perfect fit. You can run seasonal giveaways during festival times. If you plan to run giveaways or contests, you must be clear about your conditions. Provide a clear explanation, conditions, prizes, timings about your giveaways.


Millions of tweets are sent every day on Twitter; not all the tweets gain recognition and good results. Only the right one will stand out from the crowd. Follow your marketing strategies properly and stick with your flow. Twitter branding will be worthy of making your brand famous and trends among your audience. We believe that the above tips sure will bring more attention to your brands on Twitter.

Author Bio

Kaira Ralph works at  Rousesocial as a social media strategist and a content writer. She contributes a lot of articles focusing on the latest social media trends to many blogs across the web. Her passions involve reading, painting, and traveling

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