The Advantages of Using a Password Manager

Password Manager: What Are the Advantages of Using One?


Password ManagerIn the digital age, anyone who has access to the internet will have access to the thousands of websites within it. They can create multiple accounts on different websites for varying purposes, such as learning, entertainment, professional activities, or even just to socialize with their friends and families.

Those benefits aren’t limited to individuals; they are also made for businesses and organizations alike that can function remotely through the internet. However, even if the internet is a powerful thing that can make day-to-day life easier, it can also be a burden especially if a person’s memory is the enemy.

With all the different accounts and credentials that people use every day, it’s not surprising if they experience what is known as “password chaos.” Basically, what this means is that users may become confused and stressed out by all the unique passwords they have to remember just to access their accounts.

This is because using the same password for every account is a complete no-no. Whether it’s an account for a gaming site, a social media platform, or an email account, there will always be warning signs about using easy-to-remember passwords. People are then forced to create more unique codes every time, which can be very burdensome.

Fortunately, there’s an innovative solution called the password manager that can eliminate the stress of having to remember all your unique codes. A password manager is a digital tool that can store and manage a person’s credentials for every site they use, so they won’t have to remember them.

Relieving Password Fatigue

It’s mentally taxing to take note of all your different credentials for personal and professional use. Even a simple mistake of jumbling the passwords up or missing a few iterations can cause you to be locked out of your own accounts, which means you can lose tons of productivity in downtime.

But if you were to utilize an access control management system that is integrated with a password manager, then maybe you could relieve the unnecessary stress brought about by having to recall passwords. Plus, this would not only help you but also your colleagues who may be having the same problems as you.

Innovative solutions such as this aren’t free of security risks, but most access controls come with varying multi-factor authentication to increase the level of protection. For instance, aside from the password, it could require a personal identification number (PIN), biometric scan, or even a security token.

ComputerLowering Risk of Credential Exposure

Without a comprehensive password manager to depend on, people will be forced to resort to a more traditional way of remembering their codes—writing them down somewhere they could easily see. It could be as old-school as ink on paper, but it could also be digital notes on their devices for easier access.

However, what this might do is increase their risk for credential exposure. This is because the users don’t have anything other than their faulty memory to depend on for remembering passwords, which means they might go for the obvious codes or even go so far as reusing the same codes for each account albeit with slight variations.

If a hacker were to get a hold of that single password, they could compromise multiple accounts in one go because the victim used the same codes more than once. But reliable password managers can create unique and strong passwords that are secured in one system. This makes it easy for users to access their accounts and stay protected without having to worry about forgetting their passwords.

Reducing the Number of Passwords to Memorize

Just because you’re already using a password manager doesn’t mean you no longer need to take mental notes of some. Most password managers come with a master code that you have to remember to access all your other passwords, which means you need to keep at least that one code in mind.

Choosing the right type of password manager may also come in handy, especially because there are four kinds: web-based, desktop-based, token-based, and hybrid. All these types of password managers come with varying pros, cons, risk factors, and features, which means it’s important that you compare all your options to find the best one for you.

The web-based password manager can be accessed from any device as long as you have an internet connection, while the desktop-based one works on individual computers and has to be installed directly. On the other hand, the token-based uses a separate device that holds the passwords, which means it can work without an internet connection and be used on different devices.

However, all these individual types of password managers can be considered weak on their own. That’s why the fourth type—hybrids—was created. With a hybrid password manager, the user can combine all the strengths of all three types while reducing the risks associated with them.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with admitting that you’re feeling burdened by password fatigue because it’s a real phenomenon. And it’s even truer now because a small mistake can cause a breach in security, which is why there is pressure to create more complex passwords. So, take advantage of technology to relieve your stress and increase your security.

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