12 Ways to “SPEAK” Silently in an INTERVIEW:


Appearance and body language are key factors in interviews, and body language can often be “louder” than words.

So try following this non-verbal “language:”

1. Dress appropriately.
2. Walk-in tall and straight.
3. Firm (but not crushing) handshake.
4. Smile.
5. Eye contact.
6. Sit back in the chair, upright; don’t slouch.
7. Relax shoulders.
8. Feet on the ground, or cross legs comfortably.
9. Lean in slightly when listening and nod to emphasize interest.
10. Articulate with hand gestures to avoid fidgeting.
11. Non-defensive postures. Eg. Don’t fold arms in front of the chest.
12. Mirror the body language of the interviewer.

Physical “attitude” is often forgotten by job seekers in interviews.

BE the impression you wish to make!