Best Productivity Apps of 2019


In 2019 everyone is multitasking to keep up with this fast-paced rat race. There is a famous Latin phrase “Carpe Diem” which means “seize the day”. It is a good motto to go by, as we get 24 hours in a day and hence it is upon us to make optimal use of our time and make the most out of every day. After all, the future is not guaranteed.

Productivity apps are basically the apps that make the user’s work easier by carrying out tasks for them, and/or saving their time, hence making them more productive. Ironically, there are smartphone apps for that since the reason why a person is not fruitful is often a smartphone addiction.

Had we utilised the countless hours that we have spent laughing at silly memes and watching series for getting some actual work, our lives would be different.

So, here are some of the best and most helpful productivity apps right now.

IFTTT (If This, Then That)

IFTTT will make you think “wait, can my phone really do that?”

IFTTT is basically a free service that operates by making applets that trigger a chain of commands. It makes different apps work together in a way that is both, helpful and cool. From an applet that automatically starts playing music in your phone to one that makes a Spotify playlist from all the music videos that you have liked on YouTube, There are many different tasks that this app can do.

Rating – 4.1 /5 Size – 8.8 MB

Loop – Habit Tracker

This app is for the forgetful ones or the ones who can’t stick to a habit no matter how many times they promised themselves they would. On Habits, you have to log a habit, a question associated with it, for example, “did you go to the gym today?” and the frequency at which you want reminders about said habit. Depending upon how many times you did or did not do the activity, the app will plot a graph showing your habit strength. It is a great motivator.

Rating – 4.7 /5 Size – 3.3 MB

Mindly (mind mapping)

Have you ever had a great idea but you couldn’t execute it because you forgot it or because of any other reason? It can help you with that. It is an organizer for the chaos inside your mind. You can organise your ideas in the form of very interesting visuals and then share them with your co-workers, family and friends. It really helps in freeing you from a cluttered mind.

Rating – 4.5 /5

Size – 10 MB


As mentioned earlier, one of the biggest reasons behind us not being productive is our smartphone. Phones really do help us to procrastinate more and more. Detox, as the name suggests, helps you do a digital detox. Just enter the amount of time that you wish to stay away from your phone and the app shall lock your phone for that amount of time. You won’t be able to use your phone for that amount of time, even if you change your mind. You can also log your study sessions into the app.

Rating – 4.4 /5 Size – 4.2 MB



A really great app for creators or people who are always on the go, Hootsuite schedules social media posts for you. You can make the post with its caption whenever you have the time and the app will post it at the time set by you. The created drafts can be viewed and edited anytime. After posting, you can check your likes, comments, mentions, views, etc. The app really saves you a lot of time.


Todoist is the ultimate to-do list app, using it is going to aid you in becoming more organised. It will not only make to-do lists for you but will help you plan out shared projects with others as well. You can sync the app on multiple devices so that you don’t miss out on anything in your list. It shows you your progress in the form of a graph. Moreover, Todoist simplifies task management and motivates the users by sending calming messages like “Enjoy, you have completed 5 tasks in a row”.

Encouragement like this helps in boosting morale.

Rating – 4.7 /5 Size – 9.5 MB

Level Up Life

Of all the productivity apps out there, this one has to be the most fun and exciting to you, as it is basically a game. Like any other game, you have to complete tasks to gain XP and rewards. The challenges get increasingly difficult as you level up. The twist is that the difficulties are real-life tasks for self-betterment. ‘Read a book’, ‘Pay your bills on time’, ‘make a list of your long and short term goals’ and ‘donate, give away or sell items that you do not need’ are some examples of the challenges. Who could have imagined that self- improvement could be this fun?

Rating – 4.2 / 5 Size – 3.1 MB

Grammarly Keyboard

Your struggle with English being a communication barrier while communicating online ends here. You shall be able to type more confidently as Grammarly will correct your grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and clear your confusions as you type while giving you explanations as to why the correction was made. Grammarly is a helpful tool for people who are learning English.

Rating – 4.3 / 5 Size – 89 MB

These are the best productivity apps for android at the moment. Get motivated, get inspired. Stop procrastinating and start hustling!

Author: Bhavika Nayyar