Knowlab Currents – Issue: 1 (3rd May 2020)



We at KNOWLAB believes that the internet is a magical place where wonderful things can happen. We aim to bring interesting content for our readers. Here is our recent insights.


man in desertHere’s What to Do When You Struggle to Make The RIGHT CHOICE in Life – A man got lost in a desert and had exhausted all the water he had carried a couple of days ago. He knew for sure, that if he didn’t get some water, he would certainly die. Although completely exhausted, the man didn’t give up hope. (Read full story).

12 Life Lessons for Everyone – Life Doesn’t Come Again / (you) won’t get a second life that simply means that whatever you want to do, you should do it now. Here are the 12 life lessons that suits for everyone. (Read full story)

Story about The Buddha and the Homeless ManThere is a really famous story, that I heard in Thailand, and I wanna share it with the whole world I could. This is the story about the Buddha and the homeless man. (Read full story)

Treat TIME like your best friend. Live in the present. She’ll take care of everything else  – (Read full story)


Data Science vs. Big Data vs. Data Analytics – Data is everywhere. The amount of digital data that exists is growing at a rapid rate, doubling every two years, and changing the way we live. In this article, we will differentiate between the Data Science, Big Data, and Data Analytics, based on what it is, where it is used, the skills you need to become a professional in the field, and the salary prospects in each field. (Read full story)

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence – AI TimelineEveryone seems to be talking about Artificial Intelligence these days. It is good to remember that AI is not something new. Here is the brief timeline of Artificial Intelligence history. (Read full story).

How to Choose Correct Colours For Your Logo? – Do you ever find it difficult to find a colour to your logo designs? Maybe you feel lost when it comes to choosing the correct colour for your finished unpolished designs. Today we have several different methods that make sure that you pick the right colours for your logo designs each and every time. (Read full story).

This is How Internet is Controlled by 14 People With 7 Secret Keys – Yes, you read that correct, There are seven secret human beings who actually have the keys to the internet. Without which the whole internet as we know it will crash down. (Read full story).

Unknown History of Social Networking Sites – People always want to communicate with other people for socializing. In early days people used to just visit the people they wanted to see. Social networking was born in 1971 when the first email was sent. The message said “qwertyuiop” and it was sent between two adjacent computers. (Read full story).


Fireproof Your Marriage: 40 Day Love Challenge – Many of you have probably heard about or even seen the movie, Fireproof, about one man’s story to save his marriage. It is a powerful story worth seeing. (Read full story).

Story about a king with four wives has a really deep meaning about life – Once upon a time, there was a king with four wives, one day king got sick and was on his death bed. He was afraid of being in the afterlife alone. (Read full story).

Life Lessons from The Pursuit of HappinessHappiness is our greatest gift of all. It can’t be measured, it can only be felt. Every one of us possesses an innate God-given ability to be happy and enjoy that privilege. (Read full story).

Famous Failures Who Will Inspire You To Achieve – (Read full story).

Online Tools For Bloggers and Website Owners To Know Everything About a Website – Here are some of the most useful free online tools that will help you to know each and every detail of any website on the planet. (Read full story).

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