What is the purpose of your CV or resume? Tips on How to Create RECRUITER-friendly Resume?


It’s not about you. It’s not about your life history or even your career objectives.

It’s about the employer and their needs. The purpose of your CV is to show that you understand the employer’s problem and that you are the solution. This means you need to do research. It is not enough to simply know everything about yourself. You need to understand the employer and the job requirements too so that you can write a CV that will get their attention.

Want to create a concise RECRUITER-friendly Resume?

Do this:
From the top:

Full name, Location, Email, Cell and LinkedIn URL
3 job titles you are qualified to fulfil separated by vertical dividers.


1. Professional Summary:
What you are professionally + Who you are in terms of personal attributes. Max. 4/5 lines.

2. Core Competencies and Achievements:
Bullet point hard or transferable skill and evidence with a major achievement ($, % etc are great here). Max. 6 bullets. Max. 2 lines per bullet.


3. Professional Experience:
Descending chronological order. Company name, Location, Job Title, Dates. 4/5 lines of responsibility description and other achievements not mentioned in section #2. Subsection: Earlier Work Experience for the 40+ cohort: no detail or dates except company, location, job title.

4. Education/Certifications.
In that descending order. No dates for 40+ cohort.

5. Awards/Volunteer Work/ Publications, if applicable.
Send resumes to recruiters with 200 word cover email; don’t just “spray” them randomly. Need a cover letter for your job? Use This.


Be polite, concise and precise.

Also, read more Job Tips Here