Artificial Intelligence vs Virtual Reality vs Internet of Things (AI vs VR vs IoT)


Artificial Intelligence vs Virtual Reality

 Artificial intelligence is using artificial obsolete intelligence to function the same way as we humans want it to work. We program it the way we want to, we specify the limits, we specify the loops; it’s like giving a machine an artificial human brain so it can function on those areas where human interception is difficult. AI is directly related to machine learning, it’s like the things we teach to them is what we will get in return as feedback. AI is responsible for singularity

Virtual Reality, on the other hand, is to make a virtual environment a form of reality for human needs may be for an entertainment point of view.

VR is an artificial environment, which is experienced through sensory stimuli (as sights and sounds) provided by a computer and in which one’s actions partially determine what happens in the environment. VR is a gadget technology that focuses on 3d visualization of graphics and generating a view that tops the graphic user interface. It’s like creating an environment that we’ve always wanted in true reality.

In terms of the use of VR, it’s pretty easy to imagine educational applications for virtual reality—we can create environments that mimic the real world and therefore allow for relevant learning and exploration to take place but without the potentially expensive or dire consequence of mistakes in the real world.

Artificial Intelligence vs Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence is a field of computer science in which a machine is equipped with the ability to mimic cognitive functions of a human (or any being that is capable of cognitive thinking) that can make decisions based on its past experiences or responding to an action that it was completely unaware of until that time. It is given a goal and it continuously tries to improve its performance from its past actions to the best reach of the goal. An AI machine will be equipped with a learning mechanism and a neural network -something similar to a brain- which enables a cognitive ability, where the machine will learn by understanding and adapting to the environment that it is surrounded with and making rational decisions. You can never know what an AI machine is capable of until it actually does that.

Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the internet. The ‘thing’ in IoT could be a person with a heart monitor or an automobile with built-in-sensors, i.e. objects that have been assigned an IP address and have the ability to collect and transfer data over a network without manual assistance or intervention. The embedded technology in the objects helps them to interact with internal states or the external environment, which in turn affects the decisions taken.

Internet of Things is the internetworking of physical devices like vehicles, buildings, electronic devices, sensors, actuators etc. that are capable of communicating among themselves (sensor1 to sensor2, sensor2 to sensor3 and so on) or with the external environment (sensor to vehicles, vehicles to humans) that are equipped with devices capable of communicating over a network. In IoT, the devices are given a fixed set of commands like:

Switch off the lights when a person leaves the room.(let’s say communication between a light and a wearable device on the person based on GPS)

Open the garage door when a car approaches.(communication between a sensor 1 on garage door and a sensor 2 on the car)

In IoT, the capabilities of a machine already exist and you use it according to your feasibility.