Are YOU afraid of “What’s next?” in this Pandemic Situation


Are YOU afraid of “What’s next?” in this Pandemic Situation. Here is the guide for job seekers.

It’s normal!

In times of uncertainty, our natural reaction is fear, anxiety and panic.

But those feelings won’t get you anywhere.
If anything, they place a burden on your immune system.

So try to….

1. Be mindful.
2. Stay in the moment
3. Avoid fantasizing about what will happen next.
4. Be prepared with a Plan B, C and D.
5. Be ready for change.

Find meaningful ways to improve:

A) Your mind: (eg. Reading, Lumosity app, etc).
B) Your career prospects: Resume, LinkedIn profile, interview technique.
C) Your skills (Udemy, Coursera, etc).


Restricted mobility will cause global delays in the hiring process.

Make the most of this time to:

1. Perfect your resume, and make it ATS compliant.

2. Optimise your LinkedIn headline and summary section.

3. Work on cover emails and letters- they will be more in demand given less social interaction.

4. Practise competency-based interview questions using C.A.R.L.

5. Practise phone (audio only) and video interview techniques with friends.

6. Chat to references to rejuvenate the relationship.

7. Sign up for free trial month of LinkedIn Premium and using Learning to upskill.

8. Do online courses via Udemy, Coursera etc.

9. Join LinkedIn theme-based groups.

10. Add the words “remote” and “interim” to your job search.

Be prepared for postponed interviews and rescinded job offers.

It’s nobody’s fault. It’s Life.

So make the MOST of your time. Don’t be impatient!

And know….

That this difficult time too, shall pass.

The important thing is what you will LEARN from it!

If you are feeling lonely, reach out to family and friends via text, email, video or phone call.
“Self-isolating” does NOT have to mean “alone.”

Stay safe, well, and don’t forget to wash your hands.

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