Can YOU adapt to COVID-19?



COVID-19 is the time to use all your ADAPTABILITY skills.

Here are 10 ways to improve them:

1. Understand that change is constant and be open to it.
2. Accept that certain industries are “dying” and start to upskill, improve resume and LinkedIn profile.
3. Learn to think in “grey” terms; not black/white.
4. Enhance your coping mechanisms.
5. Think positively.
6. Don’t blame yourself for things you can’t control.
7. Know that all problems have multiple solutions.
8. Trust your own instincts.
9. Have several contingency plans for achieving your goals.
10. Try to think of change as redirection, not loss.

Adaptability is NOT stocking up on 700 rolls of toilet paper.

Adaptability is about being able to function outside of your “comfort zone” during challenging times.

One way to THRIVE during COVID-19: Focus on what you DO have. Not on what’s missing.

Make the most of this time to IMPROVE yourself and build resilience.

You can never have enough grit in Life!

6 Tips for Coping with the Stress

It’s normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis. Talking to people you trust can help. Get in touch with your loved ones and connect with them.

Do things you’ve done in the past to help manage challenges and stress. Know that you’ve developed skills to manage your emotions and use them during this time, too.

Be aware that not everything being said about COVID-19 is accurate. Go to trusted sources like your state or local health department, the CDC or the World Health Organization.

If you’re staying home, stay healthy by eating well, getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly and having good social contact with loved ones by phone or video chat.

Limit your stress and fear by reducing how much time you spend watching or reading the news or scrolling through social media, especially when you feel it’s upsetting information.

Deal with your emotions in a healthy way. Have a plan ready in case you do start to feel overwhelmed, and don’t hesitate to talk to a counselor or therapist if you need to.

Also read: More on COVID-19