Melanie Perkins — A 32-year-old Female became the richest self-made Woman Billionaire.


Melanie PerkinsHere’s the Unbelievable Story of Melanie Perkins – The founder of Canva

Here’s how Canva managed to become a $ 40 billion business-

✅ Started small, Eventually made it Big:

– Back in 2012 she started teaching students designing
– The Market at that time was dominated by complex software
– The Eureka Moment Happened, and she found a problem.
– Built Fusion Books to test out her idea

✅ Right time, Right Product

– Timing is the key factor to building a successful business.
– When they started, social media was thriving.
– As a result, there was badly a need for a “simple tool” in the social media community that could design creatives.

✅ Offered Enough value

– With their basic plan itself, you can get almost half of your job done.
– Opting for Pro Subscription thus become a “No Brainer” for users who got addicted to Canva

✅ Clear Value Proposition

– Visit Canva(dot)com and see how simple their landing page copy is.
– Positions its Product Itself as the “Hero”- Canva Your Secret Weapon to design anything.

✅ Campaign Messaging

– On both paid & organic channels, the messaging is such that it solves the problem that the user is facing.
– As per UberSuggest, the top keywords used by Canva are “how to make youtube thumbnail, “how to make brochure”, “how to make invitations”

✅ Word of Mouth

– Canva relies heavily on Word of Mouth.
– The product indeed is so great that people end up telling it about in their social circle.

✅ The app today is directly competing with some of the tech giants including Adobe and Microsoft.

– 80% of Fortune 500 companies are already using it.
– Who thought such an idea could become a $3.2 billion dollar business?

The interesting thing is she had just started teaching designing as a side hustle and out of curiosity, and it’s so amazing to see what can happen if you just start and try out new things.

You never know which curiosity or side hustle can change your life.

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