Nick Vujicic: Life Without Limbs


“If I fail, I try again, and again, and again. If YOU fail, are you going to try again? The human spirit can handle much worse than we realize. It matters HOW you are going to FINISH. Are you going to finish strong?”― Nick Vujicic

People who have achieved extraordinary successes in their life are the ones who have failed the most. As common people, we learn about these people once they have made it big. We admire their achievements but we fail to witness their struggle they went through to get there. Finally, we left to compare ourselves with their achievements. This way of thinking puts us in depression.

Nicholas James is an Australian motivational speaker born with a rare condition called the Phocomelia which is the absence of limbs; both hands and legs since birth. Ever since he was a child, he was the object of bullying at school and was demotivated. He however came to terms with the fact and started functioning independently. Despite all this, he graduated in Commerce with specialization in financial planning. Today he is a world renowned motivational speaker who aims at instilling hope in people helping them to fight their oddities. In 1990 he won the Australian Young Citizen award and he continues to inspire people throughout the globe. He is definitely one of the successful people with disabilities of our times.

Life Without Limbs

Hi Friend,

My name is Nick Vujicic and I am thankful to have been born 30 years ago with no arms and no legs. I won’t pretend my life is easy, but through the love of my parents, loved ones, and faith in God, I have overcome my adversity and my life is now filled with joy and purpose. I reside now in California with my wife, Kanae, and we both love seeing people’s lives changed for the better or touched in some way. It is my hope that your life is positively impacted by my story.

I was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, and it was a shock to my parents that I arrived without limbs. There is no medical reason for it. My parents did their very best to keep me in the mainstream school system and give me every opportunity to live to the fullest. I was blessed to have a brother and a sister as my best friends too.

We later moved to Brisbane, Australia, where I lived for 14 years before I made the move to California. At age eight, I could not see a bright future ahead and I became depressed. When I was ten years old, I decided to end my life by drowning myself in a bathtub. After a couple attempts, I realized that I did not want to leave my loved ones with the burden and guilt that would result from my suicide. I could not do that to them.

I wasn’t depressed my entire childhood, but I did have ups and downs. At age thirteen I hurt my foot, which I use for many things like typing, writing and swimming. That injury made me realize that I need to be more thankful for my abilities and less focused on my disabilities.

When I was fifteen years old, I sealed my faith in God and from there it has been an amazing journey.

A janitor at my high school inspired me to start speaking about my faith and overcoming adversity when I was seventeen. I spoke only a dozen times to very small groups over the next two years. Then I found myself in front of three hundred sophomore (grade 10) students and I was very nervous. My knees were shaking. Within the first three minutes of my talk, half the girls were crying, and most of the boys were struggling to hold their emotions together. One girl in particular was sobbing very hard. We all looked at her and she put her hand up. She said, “I am so sorry to interrupt, but can I come up and hug you?”

She came hugged me in front of everyone, and whispered in my ear, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. No one has ever told me that they loved me and that I am beautiful the way I am.”

Her gratitude inspired me to go across 44 countries and speak 2,000 times. I realized that we all need love and hope and that I was in a unique position to share that with people around the world.

While majoring in both accounting and financial planning at a university, I also worked on developing my abilities as a speaker. I worked with a speaking coach who helped to cultivate me as a presenter. He especially worked on my body language as my hands flew everywhere at first!

I spoke on motivational topics after creating the company, attitude is altitude. I also launched a non-profit ministry, life without limbs, to spread my messages of faith and hope around the world.

Whoever you are, wherever you’re from and whatever you are dealing with, I hope that you will be inspired by my story and my message. Please enjoy browsing around this website where I share with you my thoughts on faith, hope and love to encourage you and to help you overcome your own challenges.

Dream big my friend and never give up. We all make mistakes, but none of us are mistakes. Take one day at a time. Embrace the positive attitudes, perspectives, principles and truths I share, and you too will overcome.



Nick Vujicic is a self-made wonder who can do many things like us, the normal people do, writing, painting, dancing, walking, computing, swimming and even skydiving. So, where does he lack? In fact, he has plenty of confidence, which inspires him to take on life head to head.

In 2008, Nick met a woman that came to hear him give a Motivational Speech. They fell madly in love and got married four years later. Today Nick Vujicic is the father of 4 children.

Nick Vujicic also says that even if you have arms and legs you are more disabled than him unless you know three things-
i) Who are you and what your value is?
ii) What is your purpose in life?
iii) What is your destiny when you done here?

Nick describes life as all about finding the purpose. You don’t have to live for others; you don’t have to prove others, but to focus on the purpose of life. He says it’s not important what others want you to do the things, but you have to do it for yourself. He feels that every single human life has its value and it doesn’t depend on anything else other than the life itself. Nick has worked in a number of music videos to inspire the depressed minds.

Some Nickolas Quotes:

“If you can’t get a miracle, become one.”

“If I fail, I try again, and again, and again.”

“It’s a lie to think you’re not good enough.”

“Life isn’t about having, it’s about being.”

“I never met a bitter person who was thankful.”

Nick Vujicic has already written a few books to motivate his followers and some of the books are even best sellers. Here is the list of the Books, written by Nick Vujicic:

  • Life Without Limits: Inspiration of a Ridiculously Good Life(2010).
  • Your Life Without Limits(2012).
  • Limitless: Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life(2013).
  • Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action(2013).
  • The Power of Unstoppable Faith(2014).
  • Stand Strong(2015).
  • Love Without Limits(2016).