10 Beautiful Color Combinations For Your Next Design


colorsEvery successful brand must have a great logo design to stand out in the competition. This is a simple fact, but worth restating. The logo should be well-designed. Additionally, logo designs are perhaps the most important element of a brand. It works as the visual identity of your brand. It should be memorable yet unique enough for your targeted audience so that they can remember your brand while only looking at its logo. However, designing a striking color scheme for your logo can be difficult.

When picking colors for your logo, pay attention to the colors you use in other parts of your design, for example, website layout, buttons, and images.

Most of the time, you can observe your competitors and follow industry trends. For example, many of the famous logos of fashion brands like Gucci and Louis Vuitton are black and white, which is not considered a color. With startups dashing up from time to time, you don’t need to be inspired by neighborhood brands.

Keep in mind that your brand logo should appear unique, memorable, and original, so you should use bright and appropriate colors. For example, choosing the right color combinations can be tricky when designing a logo. In fact, many great logo designs only use a couple of colors. This is why you need to pay careful attention when choosing colors.

With realistic colors, you can create a logo that stands out. Today, in this blog post, I will discuss the top 10 beautiful color combinations for your next logo design so that you can get inspiration and design your logo accordingly.

The Ten Beautiful Logo Design Color Combinations Ideas

Here are some creative ways to add color to your logo. Whether you own a well-known brand or are just a startup, there are many ways to add style to your logo. For example, let’s look at some color ideas and combinations to include in your next design.

Shades of Blue

This type of color combination is a general solution for any business. As long as you don’t consider a specific color, anything will work. Especially effective for IT companies. Adding a light grey to the mix can add more corporate flair to the combination.

White and Red 

If you mix red and white, you get pink. But the juxtaposition of colors has an eye-catching effect. Dwell on where you perceive red and white in your life. It can be stop signs, lipstick kisses, a lighthouse, etc. Everything immediately grabs your attention. Other common red and white logos include Coca-Cola, Levi’s, Target, and more.

The emotional connotations of red should be considered when using this logo color scheme. Some environments and cultures associate red with hazard or resentment. If you decide to utilize red and white in your design, experiment with not the same intensities. A minor adjustment can convey different emotions.

Orange and Violet 

Another fun and surprising color combination that works well. A combination like No. 1 is perfect for construction companies. It represents the spirit of hope and diligence. Fun and powerful, this combination is sure to grab attention anywhere.

Black and White 

Authority is the ability to encourage, direct and transform others. Black and white color combination can make a person more substantial than average. Black can make you look stronger. You can use this color in marketing and advertising if you work in the marketing business.

When you advertise your business, you can get people to notice the color. Black and white make people stronger. It can also look intimidating. If you want your brand to look resilient, you should think through using these colors. Also, a black and white logo is seamless for you. For example, you can pick a black and white combination template if you want to create your own website layout, printing material, or any business stationery.

Peach and Maroon 

Check out these unusual logo color combinations. This gives your logo a classic look that you can definitely take advantage of if your business involves home decor or healthcare.

Red and Pink 

Red and pink are unexpected combinations that hold the design industry by the horns. This color block is very popular with well-known brands in the fashion industry. The red and pink palette resembles a strawberry dessert. This color combination is very adaptable and can be used in many different design areas.

You can enjoy not only compatibility with warm pastel colors but also combinations with other colors. Red is the most vibrant color, making the design bright and intense, while pink is the opposite, soft and understated. You can combine them with dark colors as well as gray and brown tones.

Blue and Green 

It is associated with youth and vitality. It is suitable for different industries such as media, fashion, and other entertainment industries. The young-at-heart vibrancy that this palette brings is unparalleled and is sure to draw attention to your logo design.

Red and Black 

You must have seen this color combination in many different logo designs. It conveys influence and dynamism. For example, if you want your brand to show hunger, intrigue, and influence, use black and red as your logo palette.

Companies in all industries use these colors, and it’s no secret why they do. Ask any logo design expert or even a logo design company, and they’ll indeed describe the supremacy of this combination.

Yellow and Blue 

Yellow is an eye-catching color and a shimmering backdrop for this famous garnet. The color combination of this logo is fun but safe: we believe the company behind this logo deserves our trust.

Light Blue and Pink 

This shade combination may look too bright or strong for many people. But in reality, the two complement each other. Visually, the shades are entirely diverse. The light blue looks very light and carefree. And deep pink is profound and brooding, giving you both a rich sense of self-indulgence.

The two tones are more pronounced when shot individually. You might think combining them would double the effect, but it is not the truth. When combined, the two shades tend to soften the effect slightly enough to make the design more attractive and approachable.

Author Bio:

Mack Chris is an SEO specialist with more than 5 years of experience in promoting and marketing brands in the digital world. He loves to read and share his digital marketing experience with the rest of the community. In his spare time, he enjoys drawing, sketching, playing football, and goes, swimming.

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